Saturday, February 19, 2011

The thing about glass...(Day 19) that it breaks. I seem to have a knack for breaking glass lately. Wine glasses, mugs, jelly jars, you name it. Today I found myself in the middle of an episode I'd like to call "The Great Honey Fiasco." Liam and I had a bit of a slow start this morning, so after he woke up from his morning nap, I was ready to get some things done. In a moment of productivity, Liam on my hip, I grabbed a bunch of paper for recycling, and saw that I had left the honey jar out on the table. So I reached for it, to put it away. As quickly as I grabbed it, I lost control of it, and all I could do was watch as my poor honey jar smashed on the floor. Honey was oozing everywhere, there were glass shards all around, I had a 10-month old on my hip, and I was alone in the house. Hmmm. What to do? I looked around and spotted the pack-n-play that some friends had borrowed the week before. So I carefully tiptoed around the glass, set it up, and put Liam in it with some toys. It took about 30 seconds for him to start crying. It took another 30 for him to start screaming. He wanted to be in on the "honey cleanup crew." I cleaned it up as quickly as I could, but by the end of the 10 minutes it took to make sure all the glass was gone, I think both of us were in tears. It was one of those "mommy moments," where I really had no other options, and it really was for his own good, even though it didn't feel like it at the moment (for either of us). I hope we don't have many of those!

I am happy to report that the rest of our day went much better, and the fiasco with the glass made me get out the vacuum cleaner, and since I had it out, I vacuumed the house. I also managed to make my new favorite blueberry muffins. They are delicious, and very healthy (I know what you're thinking, but really, they are amazing!). We topped off the day with a delicious dinner at my parent's house, and with the babe in bed, some evening cuddle time awaits. Hope you all had a great Saturday!


  1. It was definitely one of those "mommy moments" and there will be more to come, but the safety of your boy's tender feet is more important.

    I remember Tony was totally against playpens from before we were even pregnant. I don't know how I would have gone to the bathroom sometimes without that thing.

  2. Hey what will you do with your blog when the month is over? :)

  3. Thanks, Dawn. I know there will be more, but they aren't fun!
    Sarah--I'm not sure yet. I intend to keep blogging, but I haven't decided if I will keep using this blog, or start another one. (And it probably won't be added to every day!) :)
