Saturday, February 26, 2011

Of Gift Cards and Nights Out (Day 26)

I think we're all feeling a little antsy. Day 26 of austerity and it found us out shopping all day, but not spending money. My mom, Justin, Liam and I packed up and went to Keene to see what we could buy with no money. We had a $15 off coupon for JCPenney, and with Nana's generosity, we were able to use it to get a couple things for Liam for the summer. (Thanks, Nana!)

We then headed over to Target, where we were price comparing, so when I do buy some needed items, we will get the best deal possible. When we got home the walls still seemed to close in a bit, so we bundled up and walked downtown to our favorite pub for some nachos. How? Well, we were the fortunate recipients of a gift card a couple months back, and we still hadn't used it all. We figured gift cards weren't against the rules, and went out for some much-needed socializing and delicious, greasy food. I must say, it was definitely refreshing. :) The best part is, we didn't even spend any real money. Hope you all had equally wonderful, frugal Saturdays!


  1. I spent a total of $0.80 (on two Lindt truffles), and cooked dinner and dessert out of the freezer/pantry. Woot!

  2. LOVE gift cards! sounds like a fun day! :)

  3. Allyson--sounds awesome! What kind of Lindt truffles? And what was dinner? You always have the best recipes!

    Leah--it was! hope you have a great weekend!
